Chaines Restaurant
Chitralaya Road,Chitralaya,Jagadamba Junction,
A very few Chineese restaurants can be found in and
around the city. CHYNA TANG is here to delight you with
the best Chineese platters. We provide you with wide
range of foods which gives you immense savory joy.
Our chefs are professional enough to provide you with
the mouth watery dishes. We are with your taste
preferences experimenting with quality ingredients used
for cooking. We do not compromise in providing
qualitative and quantitative recipes which relishes your
taste buds.
You would last finger licking with the food available at
our restaurant. We would carry the rich Chineese
tradition of cooking to put forth the best recipes of what
we can. We differentiate with vegetarian and non-
vegetarian food, you would render the best taste in the
Vizag city.
You would savor all these delicious recipes at one place
and at reasonable prices.